Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chosen Child {t-shirts}...Sneak Peeks!

Here are a few Chosen Child {t-shirts} that are on their way!  Hope you ladies like your shirts! :)

**You can click on the photos to make them larger. :)

12 Days of Handmade Christmas | Day 7

Edie, of Life in Grace, featured one of my tutorials on her 12 Days of Handmade Christmas!  If you haven't checked our her blog, grab a cup of coffee and go through her archives...you'll be glad that you did!  She's a doll, really.

If you're planning on making Christmas gifts this year, the 12 Days of Handmade Christmas are a great place to start! There are tutorials from well-known bloggers, like Lindsey of Pleated Poppy, and some from totally unknown bloggers.....me. :)

Go ahead and visit.  You'll be glad you did.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A little of this, a little of that…

It’s about time that I’m back to posting on the ol’ blog!  We have been BUSY over the past month and a half doing something I’ve always dreamed of doing….

Turning this…

Into this…

We’ve been renovating a house to make it our home!  I haven’t written much about our life on this little blog, but we’ve been living with another AWESOME family for the past year, while we waited for a house to sell in Texas.  A few events later, and after being blessed tremendously by friends, we are now living in our newly remodeled home.  It’s everything I imagined it would be!  Don’t mention the word “re-model” to my husband, though…I think he’s over it.  

I’ll post more before and after pictures soon, because we all love a good before and after, don’t we?

The bad news about the remodel is that it took up all of my sewing time!  The good news is I have my sewing time back, so you’ll see more products and tutorials posted in the upcoming days.  In fact, a tutorial of mine is going to be featured by one of my favorite bloggers in the next few days.  I’m going to keep it under wraps for now, but I’ll post a link as soon as it’s featured!

Thanks for letting me gush a little about our new home on what’s supposed to be my sewing blog! 
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