Monday, January 31, 2011

mom 2 mom {linky party}: Handprint Valetine Hearts

Just a little reminder that I'm guest posting over at Worthy of the Prize today!

Be sure to pop over and see the valentines that we made on Friday - even if I did date one of them 2010! - and any other great ideas that other mommas post!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Team Chase {Adoption Auction}

Our friends, the Chase family, that "model" the Chosen Child{t-shirts} above, are hosting their very own adoption auction starting TODAY!  They have a lot of awesome items that you can bid on, including a Chosen Child {t-shirt}!

Team Chase: 4 and Counting

Be sure to check out their auction and help them bring their sweet babies home from Ethiopia!

Monday, January 24, 2011

mom 2 mom {linky party}

I'm excited to be guest posting over at Worthy of the Prize today! It's the first day of our new series, mom 2 mom. Be sure to hop on over and check it out!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Another Chosen Child t-shirt is on its way...

Another Chosen Child {Ethiopia} t-shirt is on its way to a new home with T in Georgia!

I hope you like it, T!  We're praying you get to bring your baby home quickly!
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