Thursday, July 28, 2011

1 thessalonians 5:16-18 {filler print}

I'm back with another filler print!  I posted a {blessings} print a few weeks ago and have been toying with the idea of framing it for our master bathroom.  Our bathroom is pretty simple at the moment, which has been kind-of nice, but I think it needs a little something.   However, the {blessings} print needed a partner to fit the space that I'm looking at.

Out of that, this filler print was created...

 {download here - it will open in a new window}

I love these verses and thought they were the perfect thing to hang where I'd see them several times a day.  We all need reminders now and then, don't we?  It's a perfect compliment to the lyrics in the {blessings} print (which is why my friend, Erin, asked me to add the reference at the bottom) so I thought they'd naturally be a perfect pair.

 {download here - it will open in a new window}

I also re-worked the {blessings} print and removed the reference.  Someone left a comment (anonymously) correcting me that the lyrics were not, in fact, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.  While I knew, I didn't want anyone else to be confused by it. 

Do you have any great verses that you've posted around your house as a reminder?  Have you printed the {blessings} print for your home?  Leave me a comment...I'd love to know.


  1. These are too cute!

    Thanks so much for sharing with us.

    I love how your room turned out!

  2. Thank you for sharing this message with us. It's nice to see :)

    Visiting from The Shabby Creek Cottage Linky Party today

    ~Suzanne in Illinois

  3. These are great! I shared them on Sprik Space's FB wall today. :)

  4. Thank you for creating these and sharing them. I am going to use them. I found another tutorial that shows how to put a picture on canvas using mod podge. I can't wait to use these. I want them a little bigger. I want to use 11x14 do you think i can just enlarge the picture before i print it? how do you think that would turn out?

  5. Thank you so much for allowing me to add this to my blog. It really hits home at this time. I'm going to the bible to read the quote you provided.

  6. I just posted on my blog

    Is it possible to provide me with the passage where I can find the quote listed as the 2nd quote here on your blog.

  7. This is awesome!! I first saw your "Blessing" print and was thinking it would be great in my bedroom. Now to have the pair is really wonderful. It is going to match it perfectly too.

  8. i will print this tomorrow i love it. thank you i truly believe in tender mercies and try very hard to recognize them. xoxo

  9. Thanks for this. This song ALWAYS brings tears to my eyes. It will be great in my house.

  10. Thank you for blessing me this morning!

  11. Thank you! I'm using this as a handout for my lesson at church tomorrow.


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