Saturday, September 10, 2011

link love: 09.10.2011

I always go back and check out what I've "pinned" this week before I write my link love post.   My pins are totally random this week, but I pinned a lot of promising recipes.  I guess the fall weather makes me want to that it's not seventy billion degrees outside and I can actually turn on my oven without fear of heating the house up to eleventy billion degrees.

Here are some of the yummy sounding recipes...

                                                                           Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

I can't think of a pumpkin recipe that I don't love... 

                                                                      Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

Peanut butter and can you go wrong?

                                                                        Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

Again with the pumpkin...

                                                                             Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

I am so trying these apple fritters...they would be perfect with some hot apple cider or coffee!

Do you have any great fall recipes?  Do share!!

*If you click on the pictures, you will be taken to my "pin".  If you click on the "pin", you'll be taken to the recipe!**


  1. Thanks for the blog visit! I am now suddenly craving something pumpkin flavored... :)

  2. Whoa... How am I going to NOT make every single one of those recipes? YUMMMM....


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