Here’s what I used to make my clothespin Christmas countdown:
A scrappy board that I found in our shed – it measures 5 1/2 inches x 48 inches
White paint
24 clothespins
Mod Podge
Scrapbook paper – to cover clothespins
Glue gun
Red paint pen
I gave the old, scrappy board a coat of white acrylic craft paint. I wanted it to be a little rustic looking, so I didn’t worry about sanding it or giving it more than one coat. While that was drying, I gave the clothespins a quick (and rough) coat of white paint.
Once the clothespins were dry, I cut pieces of red and green patterned scrapbook paper to fit on the “front” of the clothespin. I Mod Podged the paper on and then put 2 coats of Mod Podge on top to seal them.
Now I was ready to embellish my board. I printed out the numbers 1-24 using the Century Schoolbook font, size 90. I cut the numbers apart and arranged them on my board. I didn’t measure anything exactly, but I did lay all of the clothespins out on the board, trying to spread them out evenly. I made a little pencil mark at the top of the clothespin so I knew where to place my numbers.
Using my pencil marks as a guide, I taped the top of each number onto the board. I wanted to numbers to be able to “flip up” so I could trace them.
I traced the numbers onto the board using a method that I found on Pinterest. It really does work! You put a piece of newspaper under the paper you want to trace, but on top of the board. Trace over the numbers with a ball point pen and the print transfers ever so lightly onto your board!
After tracing the numbers I went back and filled them in with a red paint pen. I left the numbers attached to the board until I was finished painting all the numbers – so I could flip the number back to check my work.
The numbers look stamped in the original, and that would definitely be easier – but I wanted to use what I had on hand!
It’s time to attach the clothespins! I used hot glue, but we’ll see how long that holds up. I simply used the hot glue gun to attach each clothespin under the number. (If you have Gorilla Glue or another adhesive, that might be a better long-term option.)
I’ll be back on Friday with different ideas of items that you can “hang” from your clothespins to help your kiddos countdown to Christmas!
I pinned that too! Your's turned out really cute. We do a Jesse Tree with our family, and it would be perfect to hang the wrapped ornaments. I really want to try it!