Our Christmas tree resides in Grayson’s playroom. It has the perfect picture window at the front of the room, so you get a great view of our tree from the street. Don’t you love to drive by and see Christmas trees lit up in the windows?
We definitely have a “hodge podge” of a Christmas tree – all ornaments that we made when we were little, were gifted to us, or are part of our yearly tradition. Scott and I buy each other (or make each other) an ornament each year that sums up the year. It’s such a great way to look back and see what we were up to in years past! When Grayson was born, we started buying him an ornament for each year, too. This year he’s getting a Rudolph ornament as he calls all deer “reindeers”.
Here are a few of my favorite ornaments:
I made these ornaments for our families when Gray was just 3 weeks old. Can you believe how tiny that footprint was? He measured his 4-year-old foot against this newborn footprint this year and couldn’t believe how much he’d grown. Me too, Gray!
A pillow ornament with a vinyl window that I made last year. I love that sweet little Santa picture in it – from Grayson’s first Christmas in 2007.
Grayson made this sweet clothespin reindeer in preschool this year. I love it!
Our Potterybarn glittered tree topper that we bought our first year disappeared in our move from Austin to Missouri. It has been officially replaced by this sweet angel that Grayson made at church this year. He drew the face and colored the angel and glued on “cut outs” of his traced hands. Love this!
What about you? Do you have a beautifully decorated “theme” tree? Or a beautifully decorated tree filled with ornaments made by your kiddos?
I have both! I was one of the lunatics at Wal-Mart on Black Friday this year for the express purpose of purchasing my second fake tree. I have my beautiful and perfect theme tree in the main living room, (peacock and plaid this year) and then we have a smaller one in the dining room that has all of the kids' school-made ornaments, memory ornaments, and whatever else they could find to put on the tree. I did not touch it, nor did I move a single ornament. (Huge miracle.) I didn't think I would love it as much as I do, because it is solely theirs. I smile every time I walk by. We just started a new tradition!