Saturday, May 28, 2011


The stories I continue to hear about this storm are amazing.  Many are not mine to tell, but I'll share my husband's story.  Scott had the opportunity to work alongside a Samaritan's Purse relief team for part of the day yesterday.  They cleaned up debris at 2 houses and arrived at a third house.  

According to Scott, the family that lived in the house was emotionally broken.  The couple didn't own the home, but were renting-to-own.  They did not have insurance on their belongings, but would be able to make an insurance claim for the home if they had "proof" of the rent-to-own agreement.  The proof was in a jar in a room of their home, that was nearly destroyed. 

The husband had already searched this room twice, but searched through it again at Scott's urging.  The wife was praying with a group in the yard, pleading for the Lord to reveal the jar.  Within seconds, before Scott could even jump down into the debris to help, the man yelled "Here it is!" and handed the jar up to Scott.  He was able to hand the jar, with the "proof" intact, to the women. Our God is good!

Samaritan's Purse gives each family a Bible, and allows each team member to sign it.  Scott signed it and wrote this verse, Lamentations 3:22-23, on the inside.  I can't think of a more fitting verse.

After hearing his story, I couldn't get that verse and what it means for our community off of my mind.  So, I came up with this design in Photoshop Elements. I plan to print this out and hang it in our home as a reminder of God's faithfulness.  I encourage you to do the same.  Please leave me a comment if you download this!  If you'd like a larger size, leave it in the comments and I'll send one via e-mail.

Please continue to pray for our community!


  1. This is beautiful. I will be downloading it in the AM. Thank you so much for sharing! Im so glad you are good people to volunteer! May Joplin be in God's hands.

  2. Love, love this. Please email it to me @ thank you so much for sharing this.

  3. I LOVE this so so so so so much!!!! :)


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