Friday, May 20, 2011

RH Knock Off: Vintage Synonym Flashcard Art

While looking through the RH Baby & Child website a few weeks ago, I came across this boy's room:

                                                                           Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

I love the bed, the grayish/tan color on the walls, the navy blue accents....and I especially loved this:
                                                                 Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

"Brave" and "valiant" are definitely 2 words that I'd like Grayson to look at every day!  I love the vintage flashcard look and LOVE the sheet metal frames, but didn't love the $65 for a set of 2 price tag.  

I had some dark wood frames laying around so I turned to my faithful friend, Photoshop Elements, and attempted to recreate the flashcards.  Here is my version hanging up in Gray's room:

I will probably buy some larger frame - or look for some at garage sales that I can spray paint to look metallic - and reframe these.  There's not enough "white space" around the words for my liking, but they look cute for now.

Would you like to print your own Vintage Synonyms?  Here you go!  Just save the file and print it as you would a picture.

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Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!


  1. Very cool! Thanks for sharing!

    I am your newest follower...come check out my blog if you get a chance!


  2. Okay, I am dying now that I did not see your post until just now! Maybe great minds think alike? Isn't all the inspiration from RH baby just incredible? I love the initial with the cards. You'll have to stop back by and see mine soon, even though I might have gone a little too modern? We'll see!

  3. Just found your blog and love it! I've printed out the flashcards and now I need to pick up some frames. Thanks so much!


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