Saturday, June 18, 2011

link love: 06.18.2011

We have been hanging out in Virginia this week with my parents while my husband brought a group of students (and awesome chaperones) on a mission trip to Washington, DC.  Grayson and I met them downtown a few times, and brought lunch in to them each day.  It's been a fun, but busy, week!

Our busy week hasn't kept me from checking out all of the awesome inspiration on the blogs!  This week's link love is going to be made up of some of my new "pins" from Pinterest!  You can click on each picture to be taken directly to the blog (or website) with more information.

                                                                        Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

We will definitely be making one of these when we return home....the chalkboard door on our pantry will be the perfect spot for it!  How cute are those chairs??

                                                                  Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

Beautiful "stripey" quilt!

                                                                Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

I love the colors in this dreamy kitchen...

                                                                             Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

I'm thinking of making one of these for Grayson to replace his hanging tent...

                                                                            Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

Check out these cute, FREE printables!

If you're interested in checking out my other pins, visit me on Pinterest!

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