Thursday, June 30, 2011

a summer favorite...

I just wanted to pop in and tell you about one of my favorite things for the summer...this Tropical Fruit scented candle from Wal-mart!

Surprising, isn't it?  I am much more of a "Target girl" than a Wal-mart of my favorite things to do when I'm by myself at Target (which is hardly ever) is to roam the aisles checking out all of the great stuff.  I'm not the only one, right? 

Unfortunately, the main place to buy groceries in our little town is Wal-mart.  I stumbled upon this little beauty when I was shopping one day and thought I'd splurge on it - a whole $3!  Ha!  I initially picked it up because it's my favorite color, but it smells just like summer.  And, since it's only $3, you can burn it all day.  Hop over to your Wal-mart and pick one up!

**Of course I always peel the "Easy Peel" sticker off!**


  1. I will have to check that one out. I love some of their Christmas scents. And like you said only $3 so you can burn all day and not feel bad.

  2. I need to run into Walmart tomorrow so I will check it out! Thanks for the heads up!


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