Wednesday, June 22, 2011

summer in snapshots {week 1}

I came across this Summer in Snapshots linky party over at The {Starfish} Blog and thought that I'd play along! We were supposed to take a photo each day, but mine are just from 2 days. Maybe I'll play by the rules next week? :)

We have been in Virginia for the past week and a half, so we have been swimming, checking out the sites of downtown DC (with the students who were here on a mission trip), and out on the river with the jet skis.  Sounds like summer to me!
I'm linking up over at Starfish Jewelry the button below to link up, too!


  1. What a sweet family you have! Love the photos, especially Mr. Goggles!! Thanks so much for linking up! xoxo Amber

  2. I didn't follow the rules this week either but I'm gonna try for next week ;)
    Love the pictures so far, looks like it's gonna be a fun Summer!


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