Tuesday, June 7, 2011

what we've been up to...

We spent the weekend hosting a work crew of 39 from Cleburne, Texas! Scott spent Friday - Monday working with them on debris removal while Grayson and I organized and cooked meals. Grayson and I tagged along with them to the job site on Saturday. Here's what we saw while on our way...



It honestly still shocks me every time I drive upon the devastation created by the tornado.  The rate of rebuilding is amazing, though.   Volunteers and relief workers have been working tirelessly for 2 weeks, but there is still much to be done.  

I read last night that the Army Corps of Engineers estimates the total damage from the tornado to be 3,000,000 cubic yards, which is the equivalent to "...an entire football field including he end zones, stacked 200 feet higher than the Empire State Building."  They estimate that contractors have removed 20,000 cubic yards, or less than 1%.

We will still need relief workers and volunteers for months to come!  If you're interested in volunteering, send me an e-mail!

1 comment:

  1. You both did a great job this weekend!! Thanks for all you do to minister not only to our youth but to this community and beyond! Your family is a blessing!
    Lesley Melton


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