Thursday, July 7, 2011

{blessings} printable...

One of my new favorite songs is "Blessings" by Laura Story.  It's an amazing song, but an amazing songwriter!  We actually had the chance to have her lead worship at our church in Austin - she's wonderful! Anyway, my friend Erin (over at Worthy of the Prize) asked me to design another printable, this time based on the lyrics from "Blessings".  I thought I'd post it here for download, too!

Simply right click on it and save it to your computer.  It's an 8x10, but let me know if you need it in a different size!  I'd love to know if you download it, so leave me a comment!


  1. This is one of my favorite songs too. I really believe blessings come through raindrops.

  2. That song is THE BEST!
    (ooh, please fix the typo... disguise! Thanks!)

  3. Thanks for pointing that out! I had already fixed it for my newer post (and for the download), but forgot to update the picture. Thanks! :)

  4. wow i just found this on PINTEREST and i love in Sydney AUSTRALIA - so thanks!

  5. I'd love this ....we just added our sweet baby boy to our family and he is our biggest blessing through a family tragedy in May... I'd love a lil bigger maybe 12x12 square if not asking too much :( thank u!

  6. This is a really nice quote. Unfortunately, not from the Bible. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 reads, "Be joyful always; Pray continually; Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." NIV. Also a beautiful quote.

  7. I found this on Pinterest and love it. It's beautifully done. I want to print and frame it! I enjoy Laura Story, too, and I am sure having her lead worship at your church was quite a treat! :)

    I think the majority of people who see this print will know exactly why 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 was attributed to these words for this print. Keep your chin up!

  8. I love this. I ma from Minot ND and we have had flood distaster in our town. This song was added to some flood pictures and it really touched us. We lost our home to the flood but I have hope that God knows our situation and He has everything in control! When we get some place to live, I will be putting this poster up. Thanks again

    Lisa Franca
    Minot, ND

  9. This is one of my new favorite songs. So powerful. Thanks for the download...

  10. I took it & wrote about it on my blog:

    thank you! i love it!

  11. i LOVE this.
    pinned it to my pinterest.
    posted on my facebook.
    sweet, tender and true.
    thank you...xoxo Eden

  12. Thanks so much! Saw it through a friends blogpost and yes I grabbed it! Printing it for my sister in law - Thanks! Kourtney

  13. This is also one of my favorite songs. What a great reminder when we are going through trials! Thank you for offering this!! I downloaded it!

  14. I saw this print on Pinterest and was instantly drawn in. I have never heard of this song or Laura Story but I love this quote! I have been grieving the loss of a friend and struggling with my faith and this message was the reminder I needed today. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I will be printing it and framing it for my room for a daily reminder. Thanks again, it's a beautiful quote and you made it a beautiful print!

  15. this is simply beautiful! how much? :)

  16. i downloaded it. i am living this right now and would love to put it somewhere in my house. thanks

  17. LOVE this song and this printable! Any chance you could send it to me with a brown border and black lettering? This would be perfect in my living room :)

  18. Downloaded it... I love this song, too. It's helped me greatly. Love the color- it will go perfect in my creative space. Thanks a bunch!!

  19. Is there any possibility of getting this in a 5&7? Please don't do it if it's difficult. Thanks so much!

  20. One of my favorite songs! My son is 7 and medically fragile with special needs, so it's meaning is very deep for me. Thank you!

  21. One of my favorite songs! My son is 7 and medically fragile with special needs, so it's meaning is very deep for me. Thank you!

  22. One of my favorite songs! My son is 7 and medically fragile with special needs, so it's meaning is very deep for me. Thank you!

  23. Brianna - I tried to contact you via your blogger profile. Please send me an e-mail ( and I'll work with you on editing the colors!

    Darcie - definitely! Unfortunately, your e-mail isn't attached to your Blogger profile so I have no way of contacting you! Just send me an e-mail ( so I can forward it along.

  24. downloaded it... is there a way to change the colors on the edge?

  25. I pinned this on pinterest to print later. Within 15 min it had been repinned 62 times!! It is beautiful and thank you for making it avalible. God is using you to bless others!

  26. so beautiful... either the way you have written it or as a direct biblical quote... it is awesome either way...
    is there any way to do it in a 5 x7 size? thanks so much!
    Cathy pbprojecthope at yahoo dotcom

  27. This is one of my favorite songs and bible verses. Can I get a 12x12 version of it? You can email it to Thanks! Ali

  28. Love this quote! Thanks for creating a download.

  29. I too love this song and this print is gorgeous!! I found this on Pinterest and tracked it back to you. :)
    Thank you very much!!!

  30. This song was so meaningful to me during my battle with infertility - I love this printable!! I'm going to use it in our baby's nursery!!! Is it only 8x10 or can I print it 8.5x11??

  31. I love this song!! Thanks for the beautiful printable!!

  32. One of my favorite songs, too. I downloaded the printable and am using it as the front cover of my personal journal for the month :)

  33. Thank you so much for sharing this. Thanks for the blessing!

  34. Thank you so much for this free printable! I love it! So very true!

  35. thanks for the pretty printable. Featured you on blog today! 7/23/12 Blessings! 31 Main Gals

  36. Thank you for this.

  37. Thank you! One of my favorite songs, as well. : )

  38. LOVE this printable and I would love to download it, but it has that 1 Thes. reference on it. This isn't 1 Thes.

    1. Here's one without the reference and the printable of 1 Thessalonians. I love these verses and thought they were the perfect thing to hang where I'd see them several times a day. We all need reminders now and then, don't we? It's a perfect compliment to the lyrics in the {blessings} print (which is why my friend, Erin, asked me to add the reference at the bottom) so I thought they'd naturally be a perfect pair.

      I also re-worked the {blessings} print and removed the reference. Someone left a comment (anonymously) correcting me that the lyrics were not, in fact, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. While I knew, I didn't want anyone else to be confused by it.

  39. Thank you so much for the printables. They have substance, and this world needs JESUS! Way to let your light shine!!! Post more when you can!! I will be using them for church functions, parties, gatherings, and much more!!! :D THANK YOU, again!!! In Him, Melissa

  40. LOVE this print, thank you! I added it to my blog post this week on counting my blessings, hope you have time to check it out!

  41. Love this song :) Thanks for the printable!

  42. Made the tears flow, as I near upon the anniversary of my father's death. Thanks for the mercies!

  43. I am in love with this printable. For some reason it isn't letting me download it though. So sad.


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