Friday, September 30, 2011

31 days of…warming up to the holidays

There are 86 days until Christmas.  I know, I counted for myself.  That includes today and Christmas, so you may be looking at only 83 days, depending on how you count.  We all know that those 86ish days are going to go by so fast. 

Last year one of my favorite bloggers, Nester, and some of her fabulous friends devoted 31 days of writing about various topics…they’re doing it again this year and they’re opening it up to all of blogland!  I thought this would be a challenge for me, both to write every day for a month (!) and to get myself ready for Christmas.  So I’m spending the next 31 days writing about warming up to the holidays…ways to prepare your home and your heart for the season.  It’ll be a mix of decorating ideas, crafty gift ideas, and “devotional” ideas for the season.  You can bet there will be some randomness (is that even a word?!) thrown in there for good measure, too.
31 days_button

I hope you’ll join me for the next month as we warm up to the holidays!

If you want to check out what the fabulous bloggers are writing about this year, check them out here:

Jen - 31 Days to Balancing Both Beauty and a Budget
Jessica – 31 Days of Memory Keeping
Melissa: – 31 Days: Inspired Holidays
Sandy – 31 Days of Warm Connections
Darcy: 31 Days of Photo Tips
Emily: 31 Days to Change the World
Emily: 31 Days of the Little Things
Nester – 31 Days of Charming Imperfection

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are doing this! I thought about it, but between grading care plans and nutrition papers, there's no way I can do 31 posts (as much as I'd love to!)! Can't wait to see what you have to say. This is my absolute fav time of the year! Hope your weekend is fabulous!


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