Friday, October 7, 2011

31 days of warming up to the holidays: {day 7} photo gift tags

Pinterest is a treasure trove of great ideas…have you started pinning?  I came across this pin recently and thought it was a great idea for gift tags!  The tags that were pinned  were actual pictures that were die cut into a tag shape, with some scrapbooking elements added to it.  I loved the idea but really wanted to use digital elements for my gift tag.  Here’s what I came up with:


My Christmas tags measure 2 inches x 3 inches, so I can print about 12 per sheet of either cardstock or photo paper.  This is a great size to include “to” and “from” on the back with a room left for a message if you’d like.My plan is to punch a hole in the top, thread some baker’s twine through, and add it to gifts! 
You could easily come up with your own photo tags, too! I think this idea would be really cute for kid’s birthday gifts or goody bags for your own kiddos party.  Add a picture of your cute kiddo, substitute “Thanks for coming to my party!” for the greeting, and you’ve got some pretty cute tags.

 Let’s have a little giveaway, shall we?  If you’d like your own version of this same tag, leave a comment telling me your favorite Christmas song!  I’ll add your photo to this tag (and e-mail you a printable .pdf file of 12 tags) for the first 5 people who comment!  We've received 5 comments!  If you'd like to purchase a .pdf of tags that have been customized with your favorite picture, please e-mail me!

***I designed these in Photoshop Elements and would be happy to share the .psd file for personal use!  E-mail me at 517creations(at)gmail(dot)com if you’d like the file!***


  1. My favorite Christmas song is a re-mix of sorts. It's Frank Sinatra's J-I-N-G-L-E Bells. It always puts me in a good mood!
    P.S. Thanks for all the great holiday ideas! I'm loving following your 31 days!
    jlstan825 at hotmail dot com

  2. So.stinking.cute! Goodness...I just LOVE Christmas music! I really like Silent Night - maybe that's my favorite? This has been such a great series!

  3. Right now I love O Little Town of Bethlehem because my 2 year old sings it year round. That and Frosty the Snowman.

    I am loving your 31 days. Thanks so much for all the inspiration!

  4. My favorite Christmas song is a children's church song called Picture a Christmas.

  5. ooohhhh....I love "The Greatest Gift" song! These tags are fabulous- thanks so much for sharing! I'm visiting from TT&J weekend wrap-up and my e-mail is


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