Wednesday, October 19, 2011

31 days of warming up to the holidays: {day 19} wooden nativity blocks


When Grayson was just shy of 1, I was in charge of the crafts for our MOPS meetings.  This is the craft that I came up with and it’s one of my favorite things to pull out of our Christmas decoration bins.

I wanted to make a nativity that my little guy could play with…that I wouldn’t be worried about him breaking.  Then I found this blog post one day and loved it!  The stickers that they used are out of print, but you can download the clip art that I used here:  The clip art has many more “characters” including King Herod, the inn, the star, etc.

I took it a step further than the original blogger did and added Bible verses to the back of my blocks.  This makes it easy to tell Grayson about the Nativity while playing with him…and hopefully these blocks will still be around when he can read the verses for himself!





Here’s what you need for the blocks:

  • 1 2x4 piece of lumber
  • A print out of the clip art – I printed mine on a laser printer because ink from an ink jet printer tends to bleed when you use Mod Podge on top of it.
  • Paint of your choice
  • Mod Podge

1.  Cut your 2x4 into 3-inch pieces, enough for the amount of characters that you’d like in your Nativity.  You’ll have blocks that are roughly 3 1/2 x 3 inches, because  a 2x4 isn’t really 2 inches x 4 inches.

2. Sand down any rough edges.

3. Paint your blocks the color of your choice.  I painted all of my blocks white, then went over them with a light coat of brown.

4. While the paint is drying, cut your clip art out.

5. Once your blocks are dry, adhere the figures to the blocks using Mod Podge.  Put a coat of Mod Podge over the top of the figure, too.

6.  Adhere the verses to the back of the blocks if you’d like.

7. I didn’t do this step, but you might spray them with a clear sealer of some sort.  My blocks probably wouldn’t look as worn if I had sealed them.

8.  Wrap them up for your favorite child!


If you’d like a .pdf file of the verses for each character, send me an e-mail and I’ll gladly send them to you!


  1. These blocks are great I have been wanting to make these for about 2 years now. Maybe this will be the year??? Yes this WILL be the year, I just decided! lol! Thank you for the inspiration. Do you happen to still have the verses that we can snag from you?

    Also here just to share, I will be using this art

    and here is another

    Just So Scrappy is one of my faves!

  2. SUCH a good idea! And perfect for cousin gifts too!

  3. This is a wonderful idea! I can't figure out how to email you, would you please email me with the scriptures you used. thanks so much!

  4. What a great idea! I have a nice ceramic Nativity that I'm always chasing my little ones away from. I can't wait to make this! I'd love to get the scriptures you used as well. my email is Thank you!

  5. Soooooo cute!! Will you email me the PDF??
    Thanks for sharing!!!!

  6. Would you email me the PDF. What a great idea.

  7. I am not sure if this is still checked or not but if it is I would love to have the PDF file please. My email is Thank you so much!!


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