Friday, October 21, 2011

31 days of warming up to the holidays: {day 21} extreme makeover home edition

I apologize for the lack of post today, but we've been doing our part to make sure that 7 families have a new home to spend the holidays in this year.

Extreme Makeover Home Edition is in Joplin building 7 homes in 7 days for families who lost their homes in the May 22nd tornado.

I spent the day with friends from church serving food to over 600 volunteers - that's a LOT of spaghetti - and Scott is working overnight laying backer board in some of the bathrooms.  We're so blessed to have the chance to play a small part in such a great project!

And yes, I totally had to the urge to yell "Move that BUS!" while standing in front of the bus with Ty Pennington! :)


  1. Eeek! How fun to meet Ty and help serve! Thanks for your comment today about my Home post. I would love to hear more about your experience with the same thing. Sounds like we're both at that 2 year mark. I've really been enjoying your 31 series by the way!!!! :) ~Bri~

  2. That is so neat! What a great experience that you can talk about and remember for the rest of your life! And meeting Ty isn't bad either!


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