Saturday, October 29, 2011

31 days of warming up to the holidays: {day 29} link love 10.29.2011

It’s the final link love of my 31 days series!  I’ll continue to post a little link love each Saturday, though.

                                                                    Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

These would be cute neighbor gifts, made with the family's last name...or could stand in for gift tags if you used first names!

                                                                       Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

I love this idea of a Christmas tree advent! At first I thought that my child would totally lift up the trees and find what was underneath...but when I read the post I realized that the trees had bottoms on them! You rip the tree apart to get to the treat inside. Such a great idea and it doubles as a cute decoration!

                                                                          Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

Positively Splendid has some great guest posts right now in a series called Swell Noel. This post has recipes for gifts in a jar and super cute printable tags to attach!

                                                                         Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

This is a great way to display Christmas photos from years past...if we only had a staircase to put them on! I think this idea would be cute across a mantle or large window, too!

If you’re new to my blog, check back each Saturday for more link love!

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