Monday, December 5, 2011

Chevron wrap around labels…

Have you ordered your Christmas cards yet?  We should have ours in the mail any day – just waiting on the order to arrive from TinyPrints!  In the mean time I designed the wrap around label for our Christmas cards.  I always print my own labels as soon as I order the cards and then by the time my cards arrive, I have the addresses done!  I simply wrap the labels around, sign the cards, stuff the envelopes, and mail them!

chevron labels_jpg

I’ve created a .pdf version for you if you’d like to download it!

Can you guess what color scheme we used for our Christmas cards?  Do you stick with the traditional red/green colors or branch out a little?


  1. I love these,so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love these! Can you tell me where to find the pdf to download? Thank you for sharing! :)

  3. I would love the PDF also. Where can I find it?

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  4. I am also looking for the pdf. Can you email it to me?

  5. I've updated the post to include the link! Thanks for your interest! Be sure to check your settings - I couldn't e-mail most of you back because your e-mail isn't attached to your Blogger profile. :(


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