Monday, January 23, 2012

play dough…


One of the activities that Grayson enjoys doing the most at his little art center is playing with play dough.  While we were playing the other day, I came up with a list of things to do with play dough…for those days that my brain just isn’t quite engaged (meaning I haven’t had a cup of coffee yet!).  I plan to print this list out and put it in the basket where the play dough is kept.  It’s also a good reminder of things to do for dads and baby sitters!


I know that a lot of moms hate to drag the play dough out because of the mess.  It cleans up great off of our laminate floor, but if you don’t have that option, you could put a vinyl table cloth under your child’s chair to catch some of the mess.  I’ve also seen some mommas that put down place mats if they’re nervous about the table getting play dough on it.   Do you have any great suggestions for keeping the mess at a minimum?

Want to know a little bit more about preschoolers and play dough?  Here is an excellent article (it’s a few years old but still applies) outlining the ways that play dough helps to address and reinforce a lot of early learning standards.

**I had every intention of posting this last week (following the art center post) but ended up with a  sick little boy on my hands. He’s feeling much better this week!**

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