Thursday, January 12, 2012

playroom inspiration...

We woke up this morning to a beautiful blanket of snow...not too much, but enough to cover everything and make Grayson gasp in delight as he looked out the window.  What is it about snow that makes me want to simply stay still inside our cozy brick house and drink my coffee while watching the tiny little flakes fall?

Today is a perfect day for a little playroom inspiration.  The colors that we are using in the playroom are:

Here are some of the ideas that I have "pinned" as inspiration.

I showed you these fabulous shelves from Nine & Sixteen the other day. I love how they are used to house the toys and books but are still definitely functional for a piece of furniture in the future.

Here's a wider shot of the same bookshelves. I love the orange lamps and the art above the shelves.  I am on the look out for a pair of lamps that I can spray paint orange.

I love everything about this playroom by Holly Mathis. The colors she used are similar to my "inspiration" colors. Definitely going to incorporate a pennant banner somewhere in the room. Don't you love the chipper fabric she used for the curtains?

I'm thinking of adding chicken wire to the wall that the art display frames are currently hanging on. It would be a great way to continue to add Grayson's art to the wall without being constricted by adding more frame.  Maybe hang the frames on top of the chicken wire to add that pop of color, too?


We already have all of Grayson's toys sorted into baskets and buckets, but they are lacking labels. I am definitely going to create some like this with pictures of the toys that belong inside.

Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

I'd love to make curtains for the play room out of this fabric, and even had it in my cart on several times, but never could commit to it.  Being a former teacher, I love the alphabet but I'm wondering if there isn't a better "long term" option.  Maybe some type of stripe?

There you have it!  Scott and I are planning to work on the book shelves this weekend...I'll let you know how that turns out.

Do you have any great playroom inspiration or suggestions?  I'd love to know your thoughts!


  1. The alphabet fabric is super cute, but if you're worried about it being outgrown, perhaps you could find a fabric with typography letters on it (there's a cute one from the Riley Blake Penny Lane collection I know).

  2. I love your inspiration! We used red, yellow and turquoise in E's playroom, and it has been so much fun! I used two coordinating fabrics, one with dogs and one with primary colored dots. My goal was gender neutral!

  3. I love the 9 & 16 playroom, well that whole house is beautiful! Those lamps are so adorable.


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