Friday, January 27, 2012

thrift store brass lamp…

Have you noticed the trend among our beloved blogdom to find a cheap brass lamp at the thrift store, add a little spray paint, recover the shade (or buy a drum shade), and end up with a beautiful creation?  Yeah, so have I.  And everyone in Southwest Missouri must have, too, because I have gone from thrift store to thrift store in search of the glorious brass lamp and had NO luck.  Until today…


I was walking around an antique junk store in town and found this little beauty tucked back into one of the antique junk booths.  I was sure that the price tag would read $30, as most of the tags on the lamps had, but I’m pretty certain that angels sang as I read the price tag and it said $4!I said little beauty, but it’s actually about 30 inches tall.


I plan to spray paint the base of the lamp and change up the shade. I’d love to buy a drum shade for it at some point, but recovering the shade will work for now.  My question is what color should I paint it?  I’m thinking that it’s going to go on top of the black dresser in our entry way to replace the too small table lamp that’s currently sitting there.




Any other color suggestions?  Have you made over a sassy brassy lamp?


  1. Can't wait to see what you decide! I forget to look for these at that blue one you posted the picture of!

  2. I have that same lamp in my garage!! I was wanting to brave the mercury glass tutorial all over pinterest but am super chicken, can't wait to see what you do with it!

  3. Definitely turquoise! Love it - you should link up to Cat's thrifty party!

  4. oh good grief. I gave my son our brass lamp when he moved out last year. I never wouldve thought to paint it. I LOVE the turquoise.

  5. I have a brass lamp waiting for a makeover too! It's in the playroom, so I'll probably spray it red and do a turquoise/yellow combo on the shade. Can't wait to see what you pick!

  6. i recently bought tacky brass candlesticks and spray painted them. totally changes the look! so much better!! i think any color would be great!! love the green idea!

  7. I think brass is the new silver...I got some at the DI for $2 and with a new shade, they look awesome just being brass.


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