Thursday, February 2, 2012

12 in 12...february's project

February's 12 in 12 project is spicing up our guest bathroom, which also serves as Grayson's bathroom.    Here is what it looks like in all it's tan, white, and striped glory...

The view from the hallway.

I love these letter hooks that I found on clearance at Hobby Lobby last year.

Not sure what happened to the hand towel...I'm guessing Grayson used it to dry off something (probably one of his little horses or "skateboard guys") he was washing in the sink.  Just keeping it real, folks!

This is definitely not going to be a remodel at all...we just need to add some pops of color and spice it up a little!  I'll be back tomorrow to share some of my ideas and inspiration! 

Have you done a little "spicing up" in one of your rooms lately?  Pinned any great kid bathrooms that are still "guest friendly"?  Do share!

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