Tuesday, October 9, 2012

warm apple cider...

I am popping in quickly to share with you what my house smells like...warm apple cider!  Not the kind that you drink (although it smells just like it!).  This kind...

Warm Apple Cider scented wax cubes from the Better Homes and Gardens line at Walmart!   My warmer is also from the BH&G line at Walmart.  It was a Christmas gift from Scott and Grayson last year and I love it!  The wax melts usually run about $2, but you can often find them on clearance at the end of the season for $1!

Do you have a favorite candle that doesn't have a wax cube companion?  Vanessa over at this & that shares how to make your own wax cubes!

**By the way, Walmart has no earthly idea who I am...just like to pass along my favorite things!**

1 comment:

  1. This is my all time favorite scent, I will be devastated if they discontinue it! It was a little better last season, it was red and it tad stronger but it's still my fav!!


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