Monday, November 19, 2012

handmade holidays: doll quilt and pillow

I am making the most of my burst of energy before this sweet girl arrives and tackling a list of sewing "to dos". One of my friends asked me to make a doll blanket for her grand-daughter and I came across this tutorial from Being Brook.

Brook used minky and cotton for her blanket, but I had a yard of this sweet flannel and it worked out great. You can often find flannel on sale for less than $3 a yard, so it's a quick and inexpensive gift for a little girl on your Christmas list!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

instagram tour: mollie kate's nursery

Our sweet Mollie Kate is set to arrive any I thought I'd share a few details of her nursery via our favorite little square instagram photos.

Yep, I changed the color of the dresser....the Annie Sloan Duck Egg chalk paint made the gray walls look a little too blue for my taste.  So, I DIYed my own chalk paint in Behr's Sweet Nothings.  I'll be back with more details about that soon!

A banner made using linen-like fabric and vintage sheets...

The updated Jenny Lind crib where she will lay her sweet head and (hopefully) sleep through the night at 8 weeks! :)

Pink and white gingham curtains that I made for a STEAL!  4 lined panels (90-inches long) for less than $30!

A DIY crib mobile made using an embroidery hoop and vintage sheets...

Mollie's monogram, courtesy of the Fine Line'll be hearing more about this SOON!

A DIY ruffled crib skirt made with a vintage pink sheet ($1.90 from the thrift store) and trimmed with another vintage sheet!  I will be back with a post about this crib skirt.  I used a BRILLIANT tutorial that I found on another blog...

So there are the little details...I will post more pictures of the nursery in the coming days/weeks!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tiny Prints Holiday Cards {Giveaway}

If your friends are anything like mine, my Facebook feed has been filled with sneak peeks of family photo sessions...getting just the perfect photo for this year's Christmas card! We are going to wait until Mollie makes her arrival, so our cards may be sent out a little closer to Christmas this year! I ordered our Christmas Cards from Tiny Prints last year and could not get over the quality of their cards. I have peeked around on the Tiny Prints website and found a few of my favorites for this year. Once again, they are up with the trends of the year... We all love good chalkboard art!

How about combining the ever-popular chalkboard and washi tape trends?


Ikat print fabric has been all over the decorating blogs this season...


Have you seen the gingham-painted wall in the Southern Living Design House?  This sweet card (that also serves as an ornament) reminded me of that!

 And another chalkboard art look using a fantastic font...

Tiny Prints has offered one lucky 517 Creations reader $50 towards your Christmas card order! This does not include shipping and cannot be combined with other promo codes and expires 12.14.2012.  Simply enter via the easy Rafflecopter form below.  Winner will be selected on November 17th (assuming I'm not having a baby that day!  If I'm having a baby, stay tuned for the giveaway winner!).  

If you'd rather not wait to see if you won the giveaway, check out Tiny Print's Special Offers page for coupons and deals!

Disclosure: In exchange for this post, I will be receiving a gift code from Tiny Prints to use toward my photo card order.  I received no further compensation.  Opinions, as always, are 100% mine.

Monday, November 12, 2012

pinspiration: yarn-wrapped trees

I wanted to pop in this morning and share a quick tutorial for an idea that I found on Pinterest!

While browsing Pinterest one day, I came across these adorable yarn-wrapped Christmas trees. I loved the look but there was no tutorial!

I happened upon these paper mache trees at Michael's craft store - you can find them in the Christmas craft aisle. They were available in 2 sizes, so I picked up 1 large one (it measures 13 inches) and 2 smaller ones (they measure 10.5 inches), a skein of mossy green yarn, and a bag of white pom poms.  I loved the look of the felted wool balls in bright colors, but they were no where to be found around town, so I settled for white pom poms!

Here is the cone as you find it at Michaels...

I started by hot gluing the end of the yarn on the inside of the cone to secure it.

From there, I started wrapping the yarn around the bottom of the cone.  I hot glued a few rows to make sure they were secure. Once those three or four rows were secure, I started wrapping the yarn all the way up the cone.  I didn't bother with keeping perfect rows...I liked the way that the yarn overlapped in the original pin.  In fact, I thought I might need to use spots of glue all the way up the cone, but the yarn stayed wrapped pretty tightly since it wasn't in perfect, neat rows.  Bonus!

Here is the smaller cone after it was totally wrapped.  It looks time consuming, but the small trees only took about 10 minutes to wrap each one!

Once the three trees were wrapped, I simply hot glued pom poms randomly around the trees.

All three trees in a little group on our piano! I love the whimsical look it adds without being too over-the-top.  I think I might go back and add wooden stars to the tops to make them look a little more like my inspiration, but I think they look pretty sweet as they are!

Have you started decorating for Christmas yet?  I can hardly wait!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A peek at the crib and nursery...

Wow, that little blog break was unintentional!  I can't believe I haven't posted in 3 weeks!  And no, Miss Mollie Kate hasn't made her appearance, yet.  I've just been working on finishing up her nursery and soaking up my last moments with an only child.

The nursery is almost done...I just need to add a few final touches and it'll be ready for the big blog reveal!  Hopefully MK stays put until her nursery is done!  Until then, here's a peek at her crib (remember the before pictures?), a sweet monogram that you will hear more about soon, and a crib mobile that I made out of vintage sheets and an embroidery hoop!

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