Monday, April 22, 2013

{MOPS craft}: blessing bags...

Are you part of a MOPS group?  Or have you been in the past?  It stands for "Mothers of Preschoolers" and has been one of my favorite things that I've been a part of since becoming a mom.  We meet every other week for breakfast (without kiddos!), a speaker of some sort, and a craft.  The "craft part" is what I'm responsible for.  We typically make some sort of craft that can be made quickly and on the cheap - since we have over 50 moms in attendance!

This past week we made Blessing Bags.

Blessing Bags are kits that you put in a plastic zip-top bag to keep in your and hand out when you come across someone in need.  Here's what we put in our Blessing Bags:

1. Bottle of water
2. Washcloth
3. Toothbrush
4. Applesauce
5. Cheese and crackers
6. Shampoo
7. Peanut butter crackers
8. Toothpaste
9. Band-aids
10. Granola bar

I bought all of the supplies to make between 40 and 50 bags for a little over $90!  We have also put these together with our college students and asked everyone to bring an item for the bags.  Either way, it doesn't have to cost a lot of money...but it can make a big difference in someone's day!


  1. this is a wonderful idea, we need to let more people know that they are valued and people care.

    thanks for posting,

  2. Thank you for share this great idea with us.


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