Thursday, April 4, 2013

printing instagram photos: printicular

 I was a little late to the Instagram bandwagon but I LOVE it (follow me on Instagram here)!  I am finding that it's a little more "friendly" than Facebook and come on, there are pretty pictures to look at! Ha!

I was looking for a way to print some Instagram photos for a project that I'm working on (to be posted soon!) and came across the Printicular app.  Y'all, this app is fantastic!

It's a free download from the App store that allows you to print Instagram photos directly from your photo to Walgreens...and they're ready in an hour!  Each photo is $0.39 which is just a little higher than your regular print price, but the photos are printed on 4x4 photo paper sheets.

You simply download the app and open it up.  Your screen will look like this.

Choose your Instagram account  and select the photos you'd like printed.

Click "Print to Walgreens" and follow the steps for selecting your store, etc.  That's it! Wait an hour and pick up your awesome Instagram photos.

By the way, Walgreens and Printicular have no idea who I am...I just wanted to share something that works for me!

Do you print your Instagram photos?  What website or app do you use?


  1. Great photos! Glad you enjoy @Printicular. We look forward to more posts and photo print creations.

  2. Hi there! this is such a fabulous idea. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!

    - The print instagram photos

  3. Great post. I hope you write more good stuff like this article.

    instagram prints


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