Friday, August 23, 2013

5 things on Friday...

Several of the blogs that I read post 5 random things on Friday...I thought that was a great way to share the little things that I've been slacking about posting on all summer!

1. I found this fantastic chevron-trimmed wall calendar at Target, just in time to record all of this year's important dates!  This is going to be the jumping-off point for a little command center wall in our laundry room.

2.  After pinning kitchen ideas, I finally added some glass canisters for flour and sugar to my counters.  I added some sweet antique tea cups as scoops after seeing it on Pinterest.  I love the pop of green it adds to that side of our kitchen!

3. Ya'll, I have a confession to make.  I love Gain detergent and dryer sheets.  I have tried lots and lots of the cheaper store brand detergents, but nothing makes our laundry smell as good as Gain!

4. I painted Grayson's old high chair (that was actually a hand-me-down from my nephews) a few months ago, but needed some kind of cushion for Miss Mollie Kate's behind to sit on.  I finally got my act together this week and whipped up a little top and bottom cushion with some laminated fabric (from Hobby Lobby), a few layers of quilt batting, and some bias tape.

5. I cannot get over the cuteness of these little moccasins I bought for MK at the Old Navy outlet last weekend.  Are they not the cutest shoes you have ever seen?

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