Friday, November 7, 2014

Introducing The Project House...

Introducing "The Project House"....

It's a 1920s Craftsman-style house that has the potential to be's just not that gorgeous right now.  It has been neglected for a few years but will be better than ever in no time.  I will  show you more "before" pictures next week but wanted to start with this back porch.

This is the back entry to the house with concrete floors, an old sink, washer and dryer hook ups, a shower (!) and water heater.  We are removing the shower and adding a toilet and vanity, which will be a huge addition to he house. Currently, the only bathroom on the main floor is in the master bedroom, so this will be a great bathroom for guests.  We're adding a wall to actually make a laundry room with an included bathroom.

Here is a "during" picture:

The shower has been removed and sink have been removed and some of the new subfloor has been added!

I will leave you with a few of our inspiration pictures for the back porch/mudroom side.

Check back next week for all of the "before" photos and the story behind the Project House!

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