Tuesday, September 13, 2011

curtain help anyone?

I asked for your help with the large window in our dining area a few month ago.  I finally decided to add thick plantation-style blinds in the window, to give a little consistency as we have those in all of the windows in the front and sides of our house.

I love the blinds because they're functional (we're not blinded by the sun as we eat breakfast anymore) and they have really clean lines.  I'd still like to add some curtains to frame out the window a bit more.  Here's where you come in....

Being completely in love with the striped curtain trend, I'd love to make some for that window.  Here are a few pairs of curtains that I love:

                                                                          Source: decorate.tipjunkie.com via Nicole on Pinterest

                                                                    Source: iheartorganizing.blogspot.com via Mary Jo on Pinterest

                                                                                Source: thenester.com via Mary Jo on Pinterest

My only question is what colors should I use??

Here is a little moodboard of the other large elements in our living and dining rooms.

Our living room and dining area is basically one huge open room with distinct areas.  I obviously like neutrals so I can use pops of color in pictures and accessories.  I'm really leaning towards the white and dark tan curtains like the fabulous Nester.   Of course these will be DIY and on the cheap...probably using sheets!

What do you think?  Would you stick with the neutrals or go for a bold color? Are you on board the striped curtain bandwagon or are they too trendy for your taste?  


  1. I LOVE the striped curtain trend! I think you should use a bold color! Since you can take your curtains down and change them around, why not have some fun with them?!

    (Did you get my email? I sent it from my phone, so I never can tell if they go through or not.)

  2. I love the curtains, as well! If you're going to do them cheap, you don't have to worry about it if you are totally over them in a year. I love neutrals, but what about a neutral other than tan? What about cream and grayish blue stripes? Or cream and grayish green stripes? Hard to see but it looks like some of those colors might be in your rug, and you could pull those out and accessorize with them. Though, obviously, you need to do what is going to make you happy looking at them every day! :)

  3. Found you through Beth and NashvillePug...
    I love striped curtains. I made them in my last condo in black in white. I did not paint them as many other sites have talked about, but I did 'cheat' a little by hot gluing the hems and top panel. You can check out mine here http://definingdesigns.blogspot.com/2010/08/sophisticated-and-chic.html

  4. What if you did that olivey green color that is in the rug? If you are painting them you could always try it and if you don't like just paint back over. I am a huge fan of the fat stripes!


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