Friday, December 16, 2011

a little "pinspiration" and the dollar tree...

This was one of the first decor ideas that I pinned on my "Christmas" board way back in October.  I loved the simple look of the wreaths tied on the back of the chairs!

                                                                                          Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest !

I set about to create my own version of the wreaths and ended up doing it for $1!

I found 15 feet of garland at the Dollar Tree for, you guessed it, $1.   I simply cut it in thirds, coiled it up to the size that I wanted, wrapped the ends around each other to secure the wreath, cut a few feet of burlap ribbon and tied it around our kitchen chairs.  It took all of 10 minutes to do but made our kitchen table a little more festive.

I ended up using 1 garland to make 3 wreaths, but might go back and get another one to make the wreaths a little fuller.

 **Please disregard the crumbs on the floor.  I chose decorating before vacuuming today
and snapped these pictures right after the men in our house had eaten lunch!**

Not bad for $1 worth of garland and some beautiful burlap ribbon that a friend gave me!  It's not quite the same as the original - I love the boxwood look of her wreaths, but I'll take what I can get for $1!


  1. i love it! our kitchen table/chairs are black too, so i could do this!! thanks for sharing!

  2. VERY VERY cute! I love when projects come together! Mine often dont but even I coudl do this, right?

  3. I think the thin garland looks sweet. I may have to steal this idea for next year. Crumbs or not your floors are beautiful!


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