Monday, December 19, 2011

PB’s silver bell swag…my version

I originally saw this Silver Bell Swag in a PB catalog in November…be still my Christmas-decoration-loving-heart.  We hung wreaths on our front windows this year, so I knew I wanted something a little different for our front door.  Enter this beautiful Silver Bell Swag inspiration!

The Christmas decorations in Joplin are a little slim these days – as we have almost an entire town of people that had to replace everything – so the closest I could come to the silver bells were these giant silver jingle bells from the Dollar Tree.


To start making my own Silver Bell Swag, I collected a bunch of sticks from a tree in our backyard that I bundled together with a zip tie…


This poor pup of ours thought that Christmas had come early for him when I brought all of the sticks in the house!  He kept a very close watch to make sure I didn’t drop any sticks in the swag-making process.


To the bundle of sticks, I added 3 faux evergreen picks that I bought at Michael’s – they were 60% off of the $3.99 price!  I was originally going to hot glue them in place, but I just stuck them here and there.  The sticks were bundled together tightly enough that they held the picks in without needing any glue or wire.


I added a burlap bow to the top, tied the jingle bell on, and my knock off version was done!  I originally bought 2 jingle bells, but the sound of the bells suddenly multiplied to sound like a mini version of the heavenly host as I was working on this during nap time!  Ha!  I was so afraid that I would wake Grayson up with my ridiculously loud jingle bells, so I just added one bell.


My version definitely isn’t as full as the PB version – it could use a few more sticks added to the base – but it works for me!  Especially when it cost me around $6 instead of the $69 PB price!


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Even prettier that Pottery Barn!

  2. It looks like a picture out of a magazine on your pretty front door!


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