Saturday, January 7, 2012

12 in 12

I recently saw this idea on the London Reid blog and thought it was such a twist on New Year’s resolutions.

Amber explained the 12 in 12 idea like this:

“…this year instead of making 1 New Year's resolution, I will be making 12.  One for each month in 2012.  On the first of each month, I'll post about that month's resolution and also share how I did with the previous month.”

Don’t you love that idea?! 

January’s project for my 12 in 12 is going to be to update and organize the playroom.  It’s one of the first rooms that you see when you enter our home and I’d love for it to be a place that Grayson loves to play (which he already does!) but also be organized and avoid looking like the room threw up toys.  Anyone else have a playroom like that?


Here is what the room looked like before we bought the house.  We removed the wallpaper, painted, replaced the carpet, and took down the spindly half-walls which opened the doorway up a lot more.  It’s a great room with great potential.


This is what that same wall looked like last month – before we sold the couch and book shelves. 

I made some “alphabet flash card art” last year for this wall.  I still love how it looks, so it’s staying!
The plans right now are to build a 9 foot long book shelf unit for the wall that the couch and shelves were previously on. This is my inspiration:


Sadly, I do not have the source for this picture!  I came across it on a blog and e-mailed it to my husband without saving the address.  If this is your picture, please let me know!

Thanks to an awesome blog reader, Jennifer of Sweet Pea Stitches, who pointed me to the source:

I love that the shelves will hold lots of toys and books, but is definitely useful after we are out of the playroom stage of our lives. 

I’ll be back in the next few days with more inspiration for the play room!


  1. If you go to google, you can search by an actual image. Just click on "Images" at the top of the page, then on the little camera icon in the search box. You can paste the URL of a photo, or upload a photo from your computer. Here's where your photo came from:

  2. i love the 12 in 12 idea! & your right that bookshelf is pretty awesome!

  3. Can't wait to see the finished playroom! It already looks like a lot of fun. :)
    I put together a 12 in '12 list too! Here's the link if you want to check it out:


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