Monday, January 2, 2012

find joy in the journey…

joy in the journey

I wanted to share a little printable that I designed for my friend, Erin.  She blogs over at Worthy of the Prize and is a fellow pastor’s wife.  Our husbands were on staff together for a few years and they are dear friends of ours.  Erin is an amazing writer so I wanted to share an excerpt of the words she posted along with the printable:

Sometimes it is incredibly easy to find joy in the journey, isn't it?
Love. Engagements. Weddings. New jobs. Healthy babies. The list goes on.
But what about when the journey gets tough? When you just cannot take it anymore and you want to quit.
Anger. Break-ups. Divorce. Lost jobs. Miscarriages. Sickness Death.
It is during these times that you must "choose joy." And believe me, sometimes you have to search for it. And sometimes the holidays can be the hardest. Find God in the little things. Count those blessings that you usually take for granted.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. {James 1:2-4}
May you find joy in your journey in 2012.


  1. Thanks for the awesome printable! It's a great reminder to choose joy during the tough times :)

  2. Thanks for designing it for us!I LOVE it! :)

  3. Thanks for designing it for us!I LOVE it! :)

  4. LOVE this! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. It beautiful! Thanks for sharing it.


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