Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"a beautiful mess" string art cross...

Have you heard of MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)?  I have been involved with one group or another since Grayson was born, almost 6 years ago!  I am in charge of the "Creative Activities" for our group and this year's theme is "A Beautiful Mess".  When looking for a craft that would fit the theme and be a little on the frugal side.  I came across this pin for a string art cross on Pinterest and it was perfect!

We have a a friend who has access to free barn wood, so my husband pulled out a bunch of boards and cut them into roughly 5x7 pieces.

I made a little pattern for the nail placement and we hammered in the nails for all 70 boards!

I bought small brad nails from Lowe's and a multi-pack of embroidery floss from Hobby Lobby (with my 40% off coupon!).  The whole project ended up costing a little over $10 for 70 boards!  A great, frugal project that is perfect for our theme and perfect for adding a little fall touch to our house.


  1. I love it! And I'm going "steal" your idea . . . I love it that much!

    1. I'm so glad! I hope your cross turns out fantastic! :)

  2. Ahhh!! I am also the Creative Activities Leader for my MOPS group, and I am planning this same project for our next meeting. :) How much floss did one cross need? How long did it take moms to complete their cross? Thank you!!

  3. Wonderful idea! Approximately how much floss did each project use? We've got 55 moms =)


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