Friday, October 18, 2013


Welcome to instafriday! In an effort to get back to regular blogging, I am going to start linking up my weekly instagram pics with jeannett over at Life Rearranged.  

Grayson was playing around on his Etch-a-Sketch for about 5 minutes and said "Mom, Dad, look at what I made!"  This kid is 5, nearly 6, but has far superior spatial reasoning skills than his mom.  It would have taken me much longer than 5 minutes to "draw" my initials on the Etch-a-Sketch.

This baby's gummy smile is one of my favorite things. Seriously.

I finished up dinner and looked outside to see this...Scott and Grayson practicing passing the football while MK watched from her stroller.  He is the best daddy ever.

This dog is never far from us during the day.  He thinks he is a guard dog.  Love him.

I made Pioneer Woman's Chicken Parm recipe last week and MK could not get enough...neither could Scott and I.  The recipe is delicious and super easy.  Try it.

Scott and I were working on a large magnetic board for our church lobby.  Sheet metal is sharp, y'all. Scott finished the rest of it up by himself while MK and I played in our awesome Wellspring Babies room.

Snuggling with this sweet girl before MOPS the other morning.  Love her!

My fall was made yesterday morning.  We drove through a little donut shop in town for donuts and they had PUMPKIN donuts.  It was seriously fantastic.  I'm ready for another one!

Happy Friday, y'all!

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