Wednesday, February 29, 2012

decisions, decisions…

This morning has been devoted to paint swatches for my little bathroom redo and the stripes in our entryway.  Who knew it was so hard to find the perfect light blue color?  Here are the swatches I have taped on the bathroom wall right now…

 bathroom paint colors

And who knew how hard it was to take a picture in a smallish bathroom with no natural light?!  I’m leaning towards Benjamin Moore’s Bird Egg or Sherwin Wiliam’s Upward.  They both definitely look muted in this photo, so here are the swatches from the websites.

paint colors

As for the stripes in the entry, the walls are currently Monroe Bisque – which I love – so I’m going to paint (3 or 5) stripes that are a few shades lighter than that. The only problem is the Benjamin Moore doesn’t put “shades” on their paint cards, only complementary colors.  But, I think I’m liking the Monterey White that’s on the card with it. 

stripe paint colors

Let’s take a vote…Bird’s Egg or Upward?  Leave me a comment with your vote!

Monday, February 27, 2012

a little change of plans…

My 12 in 12 project for February was to spruce up Grayson’s bathroom (which also serves as our guest bathroom) just a bit.  It turns out that the bathroom is going to get a coat of paint and some new shelves, too! 

I have been wanting to paint the bathroom but thought I’d wait until later on in the year.  But, after seeing this awesome bathroom remodel on 320 Sycamore and totally falling in love with the look of the shelves over the toilet, I came up with a plan.  I listed the old bathroom cabinet on Craig’s List and decided that if it sold, I’d use the money to paint the bathroom and add new shelves.  The cabinet sold in less than 3 hours!

So, the wall that used to look like this:


Now looks like this:


And will hopefully  have shelves like this soon:


We are going to try our hand at building these shelves:


I will also be buying some white frames for a few fabulous art prints that I received for the bathroom.  I can’t wait to share those and the giveaway that will go along with them!

I’m still searching for a good light blue paint color.  Do you have any suggestions?  Leave me a comment!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

link love: 02.25.2012

I have about 342 projects that I have either started or thought about starting…I’m going to try to tackle a few of those this weekend!  I’ll be using this first link to check one of those projects off of my “to FINALLY do list”.



Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

I have 4 days left to work on my "12 in 12" for this month and am totally inspired by these shelves. Maybe I'll take down the cabinet in Grayson's bathroom and add simple shelves! That would definitely require patching up some holes and painting the bathroom...hmmm.








Another project that is currently underway is rearranging our guest room which also serves as my sewing room.  It’s been a wreck for a while, since we moved the queen-sized bed from the guest room into Grayson’s room.  We have a beautiful, old Jenny Lind-style bed that’s now set up in the guest room.  I’ll post pictures once everything is organized…maybe in 2013? Ha!  Anyway, these pleated pillows would look beautiful on our guest bed.


How is your weekend looking?  Do you have 342 unfinished projects, too?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

a sneak peek…

spray painted thrift store lamp

We have been blessed with  beautiful weather here in Missouri for the last two days, so I’ve been spray painting up a storm.  Here’s a sneak peek of the thrift store brass lamp that I showed you here.  Hopefully I’ll be able to finish it up and show you the finished product in the next few days!

How has the weather been where you live?  Snowy or flip flop-worthy?

Monday, February 20, 2012

i love stripes…

In order to add a little interest to our entry way, I am thinking of painting stripes on one wall.  The current paint color is Monroe Bisque by Benjamin Moore and I’d like to paint wide stripes in a color about 2 shades lighter than that.  Here is some inspiration from around the blogs.

The beautiful striped Reading Room at The Lettered Cottage

The look I'm going for, although a little more “tone on tone” stripes instead of the more bold ones above…

Great gallery wall on a striped wall…

Tips on painting crisp stripes, which I’m hoping will work on our textured walls.  It looks like her walls are textured, too, so I’m hopeful!
What are your thoughts on stripes?  Love ‘em or hate ‘em?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

things I love…my Shark Steam Mop

This is what blogging has done to me, y’all…as I was using my steam mop this morning I thought, “Oh, I so need to do a post on my love for this mop.”  Let me say that the lovely people at Shark have no earthly idea who I am or that I’m posting this…I just wanted to share something that I love (much like these awesome candles).

One of my favorite things in our house is the laminate flooring that covers almost all of our open spaces – the laundry room, kitchen, living room, entry way, and hallway.  It’s a beautiful, wide-planked, dark reddish-brown floor that has a hand-scraped look.  My husband actually chose this color and I conceded.  I wanted a different color (I can’t even remember which one) but am SO glad that we went with his choice.  The only downside to the floors?  Cleaning them without showing streaks.  Until I used this Shark Steam mop.  It cleans them PERFECTLY and without streaks!

My mom bought me this steam mop for my birthday, when it was on super sale at Target during their Black Friday sale.  I know I’m old when I start asking for cleaning products for my birthday.  Ha!  It normally runs about $79 which is definitely worth it, in my opinion.  You don’t need any cleaners, just water, and the cleaning pads are washable.  So much better than the disgusting heavy mop and bucket.

Do you have any favorite cleaning products? Do you have Shark Steam mop?  Love it or hate it?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

the best sugar cookie recipe ever…

Pin It  

After trying several sugar cookie recipes, I am convinced that I have found the best sugar cookie recipe ever!  They’re not too sweet, roll out PERFECTLY (because of a little trick), keep their shape very well, and aren’t too chewy or too crisp.  Sounds good, right?  They do have a very interesting ingredient for sugar cookies, a half cup of sour cream.  I don’t know what it does to the cookies but it works!

I also always use a glaze icing for these cookies.  It’s a super easy recipe that pipes and floods well.  I think it’s tastier than royal icing and dries with a nice shine, as opposed to the matte finish of royal icing.
Here are the recipes for you:

Vanilla Butter Sugar Cookies

1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup sour cream
*Use regular sour cream, not reduced fat!
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt


Cut butter into cubes and cream together with sugar until light in color.  Add egg and mix well. Add sour cream and vanilla and mix well.  Mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a separate bowl.  Add half of the flour mixture and mix well.  Add the remaining flour mixture and mix well.

Divide the dough into fourths and scoop onto wax paper.  Make 4 individual packets of dough and wrap up.  Place in fridge for 30 minutes to chill.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Open 1 packet of dough and place another piece of waxed paper on top.  Roll out dough between the waxed paper.  This makes it SO much easier to roll and prevents having to flour your surface and rolling pin.  Way less mess to clean up! I usually roll these cookies to about 1/4 of an inch thick.  Be sure to keep your packets of dough in the fridge until you’re ready to roll them out. 

Cut out cookies and place in freezer for 10 minutes.  This step is important because it prevents the cookies from spreading in the oven – it helps them hold their shape well.

Remove cookies from freezer and place on parchment paper lined cookie sheets.

Bake for 7-10 minutes until the edges of the cookies look very slightly brown.  Cool completely on counter or wire rack.

*The dough (in an air-tight container) will keep for 2 days in the fridge or in the freezer for a few weeks.

Glaze Icing

2 lbs. powdered sugar
1/2 cup water
1/4 light corn syrup
1 Tablespoon clear vanilla
*I use regular vanilla, but use clear if you’re wanting a white icing


Mix all ingredients together on low speed  for 3 – 4 minutes using a paddle attachment.  Depending on how thick or thin you’d like your icing, you might need to add water.  Just add it A LITTLE at a time!  Once your icing is mixed, separate into bowls and add the desired coloring. 

I usually ice these the day before I want to package them up and leave them out on the counter to set up. 

Do you have a favorite sugar cookie recipe?  Try these and let me know how it compares!

ETA:  I wrapped these up in cute little cupcake boxes (found at good, ol' Walmart!!) for Grayson's preschool teachers.  Here is my instagram picture of how they turned out...I LOVE that sweet 4-year-old signature. :)

P.S. I love to answer your questions in the comments but can't reply if you're a no-reply blogger!  Cassie over at Hi Sugarplum! has a great tutorial on how to fix this bloggy problem!

Linking up to:

Friday, February 10, 2012

fabulous fonts for friday…

Do you love fonts as much as I do?  I am always on the look out for a new font to add to my collection.  I thought I’d share some fabulous fonts once or twice a month on Fridays.  Some of these fonts are new to me and some are “tried and true” fonts that I used all the time.

 I’ve included the links below the fonts.  Here’s the first edition:


Pin It

Do you have any "go to" fonts that you use a lot?  Leave a comment with the name!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Grayson's bathroom inspiration....

Is it Tuesday already?  Really? My "I'll be back tomorrow" line from Thursday's post and turned into "I'll be back 5 days later".  So sorry, y'all.  It's been a long 5 days with a sick boy, some antibiotics for me, and my husband being gone for a few days on a trip with the students.  Couple that with a SuperBowl party extravaganza and here we are on Tuesday...ugh.

Let's start with what we already have in the bathroom that is staying.  I made the shower curtain using a brightly-colored flat sheet from Walmart.  Here's a better picture of the colors in the sheet...

I need to trim the curtain down a little on the sides so it's less "bunchy" and lies a little flatter when stretched all of the way out, but I love the little bit of whimsy it brings in since this bathroom also serves as our guest bathroom.

The BATH letter hooks are staying, but I'm going to move them down a bit on the wall so the kiddo can actually hang up his own towels.  I'm going to add some art above the hooks.  Maybe something like these?

Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

Grayson would love these if we replaced "Jedi Knights" with "Cowboys".


Source: via Mary Jo on Pinterest

These are CUTE! But I'm totally okay with splashing, so we could leave that one out. :)

I'd usually just paint the room to add more color but I'm thinking with the addition of some art and colorful towels to hang on the hooks, we'll have plenty of color and still  have the neutral wall color (Monroe Bisque).  Because we all know the re-decorating bug will bite me again in the future! Ha!

I've got a few more ideas for the room, but you'll have to wait for the reveal at the end of the month!

Do you have any great kid's bathroom ideas?  Have you pinned any cute bathroom art lately?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

12 in 12...february's project

February's 12 in 12 project is spicing up our guest bathroom, which also serves as Grayson's bathroom.    Here is what it looks like in all it's tan, white, and striped glory...

The view from the hallway.

I love these letter hooks that I found on clearance at Hobby Lobby last year.

Not sure what happened to the hand towel...I'm guessing Grayson used it to dry off something (probably one of his little horses or "skateboard guys") he was washing in the sink.  Just keeping it real, folks!

This is definitely not going to be a remodel at all...we just need to add some pops of color and spice it up a little!  I'll be back tomorrow to share some of my ideas and inspiration! 

Have you done a little "spicing up" in one of your rooms lately?  Pinned any great kid bathrooms that are still "guest friendly"?  Do share!

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